Water purification information

The water purified by the water purifier is a bit sweet?

Views : 67966
Update time : 2021-09-27 17:54:58
Now, many users who have just used water purification products (mainly reverse osmosis water purifiers) feel that the filtered water has a sweet taste. Many curious babies start to wonder why the filtered water has a sweet taste? So what is the truth? Does the water purifier really have such a magical effect?
In recent years, there have been more and more users using water purifiers, and the demand has changed the market. Various water purification products have also appeared in the water purification industry, such as: water purifiers, pure water machines, ultrafiltration machines, and direct drinking machines. , Energy machines, electrolysis machines, water softeners, etc. Many consumers who have just started to use water purifiers reported that the water feels a little sweet after drinking. Some businesses like to use some exaggerated methods when making water purifier slogans. For example, in order to show that the filtering effect is good, they say that the filtered water has a sweet taste. In fact, these are affected by human subjective thinking and have no factual basis.
water purification

 In fact, the water processed by the water purifier (built-in reverse osmosis membrane) will not have any taste, to be precise, it should be tasteless.

Many consumers feel that the treated water has a "sweet" taste. In fact, the original drinking water contains too many impurities, tastes or has peculiar smell. For a long time, this affects the taste buds' accurate judgment of the taste of the water. . In this case, the drinking water suddenly becomes a lot cleaner. This contrasting contrast is the fundamental reason that makes you feel that the water has a sweet taste, just like, after you eat a very sweet candy, If you eat apples again, you will feel that apples are not that sweet. The reason is that simple.

Based on this, some manufacturers advertise that their own water purification equipment can sweeten the water, which is unreasonable. The working principle of the filter element of the entire water purification equipment is physical filtration. The water purification equipment itself does not have any technical measures to make the water sweet, and there is no need to do so.
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